Monday, August 3, 2020

The latest trends in social media marketing, you shouldn’t miss out

New advancements come to the market and prevail on every social media platform. There are around 3.196 billion social media users this year and about 42% are expected to enter this year. While it’s difficult to predict how the online networking platforms will change over the years, however a few of the trends which happened recently have been mentioned below:

Sharing Instagram stories & Instagram purchasing option
Artificial intelligence turned into a raving success with Instagram Stories. Furthermore, we saw the start of Instagram Shopping, which enables clients to make instant purchases. Instagram starts putting Stories, anyway not the Story promotions, on its site. You will see stories at the top of your feed, and with a tap, you can watch them. To skip or return to a story, you can tap the left and right bolts. Stories have quickly transformed into a critical part of the Instagram experience. Around 250 million people use it reliably to see what their friends are doing at the time.

With 250 million users checking out the Instagram app, it is increasing the Instagram shopping for its online group of reliable users. For sharing your stories in a unique and reliable way, get the help of best digital marketing company in noida!
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Sharing videos online
To meet the needs of the advertisers, long range interpersonal communication locales dispatch new highlights empowering the video content. Facebook has launched 360-video, Live Video, and Lifestage which is a video related app for the teenagers. Even Instagram has launched 60-Second Videos and Instagram Stories sharing option. Facebook has also made it easier for users to save and download videos to see it later.
Social media is making it simpler to use the live video float; Facebook’s launch of live video to all users has engaged brands to use this updated feature.
The insight of live video invigorates the connection between a brand and its aficionados. It has transformed into an immense promoting tool and one which most endeavors would be impulsive to neglect. There are doubtlessly risks to going live, generally due to the inventive complexities included; there are various factors to consider before finally going live about your brand.
Voice activated search
Voice assistants are part of the Omni-channel buyer encounter. If this is utilized in the right way, they are a fruitful and common conductor between the purchaser and the brand. As the innovation behind voice-activated search progresses, advertisers should make sense of how to change in accordance with this newly updated method that presents itself as voice assistants.
Since we all know that social networking sites make us come closer to our customers; Chatbots can make real-time engagement with the customers. Messaging Apps like Telegram and Vine have already launched bots on their networking sites. Even Facebook had declared Bots for Messenger Platform at its yearly F8 Conference held in April 2016. Up until now, there are around 12,000 bots which have been created on the Messenger Platform.

If you don’t have the time to keep a track of the social media updates, let the  help you out!

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