Wednesday, December 9, 2020

How to Reduce Your Website Bounce Rate


When you’re working hard to increase your site’s search performance, one of the things that you should do is reduce a high bounce rate. A high bounce rate is a symptom that something is wrong in your strategy – you are not attracting the right site visitors or your website doesn’t have a good user experience. A high bounce could mean you don’t have an enticing, well-organized landing page.


Listed below are ways to reduce bounce rate and improve conversions on your website:


1. Improve Your Content’s Readability

One reason that your target customers might leave your site is a lack of readability. User experience begins when your content is readable and legible. Specifically, large chunks of text scare readers away, so avoid them. This results in a higher bounce and faster exit rate.

2. Avoid Popups

Most of the people hate popups. Some popups are well designed and they will convert visitors into long-term readers, which is part of improving conversion rates. But, when we’re talking about search engine traffic and what makes search users excited, it is a great user experience, so for great user experience avoid popups.

3. Keep Your Blog Fresh With the Right Content

Keeping your blog fresh, with the right content, will always yield the best ROI. Businesses that update their blogs with fresh content regularly will generate more leads than those who don’t. However, it’s important to differentiate between powerful content from the right content.

4. Target Keywords With High-Value Traffic

Keywords can make or break your content marketing campaign. If you want to improve search performance, start targeting high-value keywords, because that’s where the high-value traffic is. All keywords are not created equal. Some are going to bring you valuable traffic, while others will only keep you waiting by the side of the road for a ride that probably is not going to come.

5. Speed Up Your Page Load Time

The slower your landing pages load, the higher your bounce rate will be. Google is also concerned about site speed, you can slip in rankings, if your site is consistently slow to load, resulting in a higher bounce rate. Slow site can destroy your business and discourage potential customers from buying from you. 

6. Attract the Right Visitors

Higher bounce happens when you’re getting the wrong website visitor from the start. This is a targeting problem. If your content strategy isn’t yielding the right visitors and increased sales for you, it’s time to improve. There is nothing as powerful as publishing custom content that is right for your market. 

These tried and tested ways will surely help you to reduce the bounce rate of your website.

For all the website related queries contact Peoplebridge, the best Digital Marketing Agency in India. We will help you out in every way possible.

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